
EFAFLU and Universal Motors – an international community

EFAFLU and Universal Motors – an international community

EFAFLU and Universal Motors already have many different nationalities working in this fantastic team. So, to ensure everyone feels “at home,” we are going to do something special at our facilities: display flags representing all the different nationalities of our employees.

This initiative is a tangible way to celebrate the richness of cultural diversity in our team. With employees from 14 different cultural backgrounds, we are committed to creating a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued.

The display of flags is a symbol of this commitment and reflects our belief that the strength of our team lies in the ability to embrace and value the different perspectives that each member brings to the organization.

We know that migrating and living in another country brings challenges, longing and often additional difficulties.

AWe thank all of you for being part of this journey and for contributing to the richness of our team.